Pounding Skin
L. A. Witt
Rating: ✨✨✨✨ of 5 stars
is book two of a series that combines two of my favorite groups of men, tattoo
artists and military men. You don’t need to read the first book to understand
this one but I would recommend reading both. I’m going to try really hard to
give no spoilers but I loved these books and just have to bite my tongue to not
over share.
is yet another example of Witt’s skill at creating men and stories that you
just can’t put down. Her men are not just cookie cutter examples of their
groups. She doesn’t back away from including serious issues in her books. Her
men are real men not caricatures of gay military and tattoo artists. The only
reason I gave this book four stars instead of five was that I liked the characters
in the first book better. It is well written, few to no typos and has a great
story line.
would recommend this book to all readers of m/m romance.
volunteered to write a review of this book after receiving an ARC from